Time to get Social?

Now is the time to consider joining one of the most dynamic and informative property networking groups in the South East of the UK. Established in 2012, UK Prop Social holds regular events regular across the Golden Triangle – Oxford, Cambridge, Reading and West London. Open to investors, developers, advisors, consultants and contractors working across the real estate sector.

Tell me more about UK Prop Social

UK Prop Social is a place where the property, architectural and construction communities can meet with fellow professionals working across the Golden Triangle – Thames Valley, East of England, and West London. Our events are designed to bring together stakeholders, partners, and sponsors, whether online or in person. Our aim is to capture your news and views in our weekly digital journal, The Forum, which incorporates the Eastern Echo, Thames Tap, London West and Western Whistle titles and has a combined subscription of 7000+ readers.

Benefits of Membership


We seek, wherever possible, to ensure involvement of both public and private sectors to bring Members close to interesting and important people.


As a Member, UK Prop Social will ensure you receive priority booking for all our events along with discounts of up to 50 per cent.


Eastern Echo, London West and Thames Tap are media vehicles which reach across the market. Media packages are available to UK Prop Social Members


As a Member you will get preferential access to exclusive reports and data which can assist your business development activities.



Each event will be crafted with key stakeholders and influencers in mind to offer Members insights into topical issues.


Each event is an opportunity for Members to showcase their skills, brand and project work to other Members and delegates


We aim to book interesting and topical venues which reflect the built environment and are of architectural merit.


UK Prop Social events are rich in content and we encourage interaction. We aim to ensure each is limited to two hours.

Members only Dashboard


An online environment that enables our Members to access key information and knowledge about the Arc, East of England, Thames Valley and West London markets through an intuitive Dashboard.


A private network for listing exclusive details of other members including their areas of interest and which services they provide to the marketplace. A confidential space to enhance your business development activity.


A selection of webinars produced by UK Property Forums which aim to share information and help to educate our members. Topics are always property-related and designed to assist you with your business development activities.


This page showcases all our Podcasts produced by UK Property Forums and by clicking on the icon, allows you to listen to the Podcasts at your convenience.


Over the past five years we have collected over 10,000 articles and details about The Arc, Thames Valley, East of England and the West London property markets. As a consequence, we think we have a pretty good library and database of what is going on in the development pipeline.


Birds Eye View Map of the Oxfordshire, Berkshire, Cambridgeshire & Bristol development pipeline mapping the ‘major’ projects as they enter the planning process with links to our articles with images and relevant information.


Download Membership Pack

Send us your details, and we will send you the 2025 UKPF Membership Pack, which has up-to-date information on the type of events, geographical spread, type of members, membership portal and costs.



Is there a limit to the number of users who can use the UK Prop Social portal from my company?

Each company can register 10 people to the online membership tool.

Who do I contact if I need help or support?

Contact Debbie

What happens when members leave or new ones join

Contact Debbie and we shall do the administration

The records on my company appear out of date or wrong, how do I change?

This can all be changed on the Members Directory page or contact Debbie

A great opportunity to get to know some great people in the Thames Valley property world. I have never left without learning something new – and useful! Hats off to Matthew and his team for organising a fab forum for property people to get to know each other better.

Simon Dimmick

Partner, Blandy & Blandy

Fantastic event, as always, Keble was a fantastic venue and great to have it all in one place this year, the student bar was a winner and the breakfast venue was also pretty good!

Hannah Smart

Director, Edge UD

Thames Tap and OxPropFest is the glue which holds the (property) community together.

Olivia Lane-Knott

Director, Spacecraft Consulting

Contact Us

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